
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Witty Insult and Clever Comeback Against an Intellectual Snob

"I love it when someone insults me. That means I don't have to be nice anymore" ~ Billy Idol

A young college professor, Charles Boorman was an intellectual snob. 

He looked down on his suburban neighbors with arrogant disdain. "Their men are incredibly dim-witted," he often said, "and their wives total airheads."
On a stroll one Sunday morning, he came across a neighbor perched atop a tree fastening the ropes for a child's swing.
"Ah, Ken," he called out "Reverting to type, I suppose?"
When his neighbor just wave a friendly greeting, Charles continued, "I always suspected you evolved from some monkey ancestors."

Dropping to the ground, Ken smiled. "I guess I did," he said. 
"And may I wish your descendants the same good luck."

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